Judicial System in Saudi Arabia
Group of Authors

The Saudi judicial system remains unfairly mysterious to those who live outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, particularly in non-Muslim states, as many misconceptions and false perceptions on the Saudi judicial system are derived, in the first place, from biased media. The Saudi judicial system is often depicted as primitive and tribal in which judges possess absolute powers unchecked by any mechanism which usually result in inexplicable and contradictory rulings.
Saudi Government & People
Group of Authors

This book explores the following questions: What are the causes and motives that led to the Arab revolutions? What is the nature of the relationship between the government and the public in Saudi Arabia? Is this relationship different than that between citizens and states in revolutionary states? What foundations of the relationship between the government and the public in Saudi Arabia are not known to analysts? The answers to these questions provide important insight for those who want to know the nature of the relationship between the government and the public in Saudi Arabia. That is, as it is seen by the Saudis themselves, and as it exists in living reality. Only then can one gain a more precise understanding of what is happening in Saudi Arabia today.
Religious Freedom in Saudi Arabia
Salih Al-Husayyin

The annual Religious Freedom Reports released by US State Department often include sections about religious freedom in Saudi Arabia. These reports are officially distributed by the State De-partment and then circulated amongst the centres of research in the West as well as the interna-tional media outlets and other channels.
Saudi Arabia comes on top of concern of those involved in these reports, due to its religious and political significance. Accordingly, it becomes incumbent on us, as Saudis, to discuss the sections in these reports which cover religious freedom in our country and provide facts that are not included in these reports. While discussing these reports, we should explain to the world our view point vis-à-vis these reports. We should also allow the reader to discover the truth as stated therein and according to criteria upon which many fair-minded, rational people agreed with us
Interfaith Dialogue

Cross-Cultural Views

The call for dialogue between followers of different religions is an attempt to have influential per-sonalities across the world meet on the basis of noble values. It is also an attempt to eliminate in-justice, faith deviation, and moral decay, as well as to restore good values in society.
These high goals will not, however, bear fruit and attain their objectives, which all rational people aspire for, unless all those involved in the process of dialogue free themselves from political and cultural exploitation. Those participating in dialogue should have sincere and objective information about others. Honesty and fairness should also prevail among all dialogue-participating parties.

Letter to the West
A Saudi View

This book was prepared by a group of Saudi scholars and intellectuals. They address Western mind which looks at fair truth and objective and convincing dialogue. The book, in general, dis-cusses the most important issues and suspicions raised by Western political and media organiza-tions in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 events. These vents have placed Islam, the Kingdom, its people, and its religious, educational and social institutions in a position that requires correction and review.
The book is a moderate vision in responding to the issues and suspicions. A biased reader would notice the major difference between the reality and the raised concepts and images which were far from the reality.

Saudis and Terror
Cross-Cultural Views


Terrorism has gained wide global concern particularly in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 events. So far, there is no international clear and neutral interpretation for the concept of terrorism. This has led to many problems resulting from this capricious concept. As a result of this, souls have perished and peoples and countries have suffered.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has suffered from the scourges of terrorism and terrorist acts. In many regional and international arenas, the Kingdom has called upon the world to stand united to uproot this evil. Some writers in the West accused the Kingdom of supporting terrorism and terrorist despite the fact that the Kingdom has been among the countries that were scorched by the fire of this sedition...
This book, in which a group of scholars, intellectuals and media men from the United States, Europe, Russia and the Arab World, aims at clarifying the concept of international terrorism as a phenomenon with no homeland or religion and that Islam is innocent of it. The book also explains the Kingdom's position vis-à-vis terrorism and its continuing efforts to eradicate it and its appeal to the international community to denounce this terrorism and uproot it by all means

Religious Police in Saudi Arabia

This book includes a comprehensive vision of issues related to the promotion of virtue and prevention of vice and its official establishment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This book was prepared by a group of Saudi academicians, males and females, representing different Saudi universities and various geographical regions. They address the Western public opinion, its political and intellectual sources. Their aim is to clarify reality for Western public opinion, its political, intellectual and media sources. This reality that remains obscure for this public opinion as a result of certain political circumstances, religious superiority or suspicious media lusts. This reality was obscured from the West by the current rapid international developments and changes.

Woman in Saudi Arabia
Cross-Cultural Views


The cause of woman remains a subject of personal judgments, interpretations and opinions that are not laid on bases, proofs or facts. The Western media, in particular, continue to get contradicting and distorted information about Saudi woman and her rights. Many writings alleged that Islam hinders the progress of woman in the Islamic world in general and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is particular.
Through statements of different women from inside and outside Saudi Arabia, this book tries to answer many inquiries, clarifies facts and reflects reality in an abstract image and quiet vision with an aim of demonstrating reality as it is not as appears through some Western writings and views

Relationships of the Great
Prophet Muhammad Presents his Brother Jesus to Mankind


The book provides the true picture of the Prophet of mercy and guidance to Westerners who have unbalanced knowledge about the prophet.
The book quoted the holy Quran and the Prophet hadith (sayings) to prove that Prophet Muham-mad (P.B.U.H.) had honored his brothers, the messengers and Prophets, who came before him in general and Jesus Christ in particular. He presented them in a bright image that stand tall till the hereafter, and that no human work could match what prophet Muhammad had done even if great technical and material support mobilized for it.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Seen by a Diplomat's Spouse

The book discusses various historical, social and political issues in the Kingdom in addition to the description of customs and traditions. It is an important documentation of several years that the author, Elivera Arasli, spent in the Kingdom where she has been a witness of many developments in the Kingdom in general and in Riyadh, the capital in particular. The author sheds light on the diplomatic life in Riyadh as well as the prevailing customs and traditions. Beside this, the author designated part of the book to give an account of two important regions of Saudi Arabia: the Hijaz and the Eastern Province. She gives a historical overview of the developments that took place in these two regions.
The book as a whole portrays a number of life aspects in the Kingdom and a detailed literary narrative of many of the important events and developments experienced by the author.

Saudi Arabia in 100 Questions

Most of those who come to Saudi Arabia either as visitors or a workers are often awe-struck at the vast development all over the country. They admit that their image of Saudi society was very dif-ferent before they arrived and lived in the country. Many Saudis, too, lack the correct and reliable information to present to others.
«Saudi Arabia in 100 Questions» aims at presenting a simple and comprehensive answers for many questions that may be raised by others about Saudi Arabia.
The answers to the questions in the book were formulated in a simple way reflecting the various political, economic, cultural and social aspects of life in Saudi Arabia. This will make the book an important reference that facilitate information and cultural communication between the Kingdom and other countries and people.

The Political System of Saudi Arabia

The discourse in this book addresses elite western politicians, intellectuals and thinkers. It dis-cusses the most important issues related to the political system of Saudi Arabia from an Islamic perspective and through the state›s laws like the Basic Law of Governance. Among the issues discussed by the book, for instance, the imama (leadership), the rights and duties of the Muslim leader, the nature of relation between citizens and the King, the concept of Shoura in Islam and the impact of the implementation of this Shoura in Saudi Arabia compared with democracy, the concept of bayah (pay of allegiance), the formation of political parties and the so-called opposition, the freedom of opinion and political expression, as well as other issues raised in the Western media and political circles about the political system of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Salafism
in Western Writings


This publication is an impassive attempt to speak about the ideology of Wahhabism, its description, and its effect inside and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to discuss the claims of its relation to violence, radicalism and the terrorism that many Western writings blow its whistles about.